The Pettinger Family
Missionaries to Guatemala
Mission Statement
God called us to the mission field as a family throughout this last decade as we cared for our oldest son Elijah who went to be with Jesus in December of 2022 at the age of 10. His life forced us to rely on Jesus in such a beautiful way as he was very sick and throughout his decade here, suffered progressive decline from multiple brain hemmorhages until he died.
Over the years, God grew within us the desires to homestead as we gardened, preserved vegetables, and raised chickens for eggs.
Ruth is a registered nurse for 15 years and we cared for our son who was a quadriplegic and was malnourished for many years. We have an extensive background in feeding tubes and nutrition as a result.
We built a home this last decade.
We fell in love with the game of soccer and started coaching it. The sport that is the language of this culture: Futbol
Over the last year and a half, the pieces of the puzzle in how God has and is equipping us to minister to this rural area came together.
Our Mission
A large part of our ministry will be to a people of Mayan descent called the Chortì. There is a very large population of this indigenous people group who inhabit the many mountain villages surrounding two small cities, Camotà n and Jocatan. Tucked away in the Sierra de las Minas mountain range, in the district of Chiquimula, these people live in an area known as the “Dry Corridor.” This area is known for extreme drought for at least three out of every 5 years. This lack of water brings about famine and poor crop yield, which is the traditional way of life for these people. Their culture is built on subsistence farming and growing and harvesting coffee for a few months of the year.
Scripture says in James 2:15 -17
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.
If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
There is great physical and spiritual poverty in these villages. This is one of the poorest areas in all of Guatemala with lack of access to clean water and food. The malnutrition rate is at some of the highest rates in the whole country here.
There are many different arms to this ministry, so what we will be doing will have many facets.
- School sponsorship
- Child sponsorship
- Evangelism
- Samaritan project
- Medical / dental clinic
- Planting churches
- Training national pastors
- Short-term teams